
Monday, June 29, 2020

Optical Illusions

LI: To explore optical illusions.

This week, Mr Johnston came to LS2 and taught us about optical illusions. An optical illusion is something that tricks your eyes, making an object look different. Mr Johnston gave us an optical illusion activity, where we drew a fish and a fishbowl onto two different pieces of paper. Then we created a DLO, explaining what optical illusions are, how it works and an explanation of the activity Mr Johnston gave us. I really enjoyed learning about optical illusions. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Maths Challenge

LI: To find the most efficient strategy to answer the question

This week our group practiced finding the answer to written maths questions. To do this we needed to first find the numbers we were working with. We decided the most efficient strategy was to use our times table knowledge. Being able to find how many groups of a number made this strategy efficient. This activity showed me that I need to keep practicing my times tables so I have set this as a goal for myself.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

New Zealand History

L.I To read the information in the text, Thing about what you have read and from an opinion

This week for reading we have been working on a DLO on the New Zealand history. We have found different events for years like "1840, 1850, 1986" We then chose 3 important parts of New Zealand's history.  The 3 important part of New Zealand's history that we chose was "The Treaty of Waitangi, The women's suffrage, and the Coronavirus. We then wrote about why that event is most important in New Zealand's History. I enjoyed this because I got to find out different events that have happened in New Zealand.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Using Exponents

LI: To learn how to use exponents

This week we were learning about exponents. Exponents are useful because the example in our DLO shows that it is easier to write 3x3x3. Exponents tells us how many times we need to multiply a number. This DLO shows how we used our knowledge of exponents to collaborate share our thinking