
Sunday, August 23, 2020

Scientist Research: Albert Einstein | Physics

This week as an activity for distance learning in reading, I worked to create a DLO on researching a famous physicist. I chose to do Albert Einstien because I was most familiar with his discoveries. for this activity, i researched more about him and what he was doing at a young age to learn more things about him. he was a very smart person his IQ was 140 which is intelligent. it was interesting reading about him because of the things he did and what he was capable of because of how much knowledge he had.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Manaikalani servey

This week LS2 helped the Junior kids complete the Manaikalani survey. We helped the kids anwser different questions about their learning and had them tell us how they felt about different subjects: reading. We made sure they understood the questions and went through them together slowly. My budy was Akesha and she was really fun to work with and was able to give me good answers on how she felt/thought about them. Our teacher wanted to make sure they felt as comftorable as possible espicially as only year 1's. Then for Cook Island Language week, we explored the cook island culture with our Rm 2 buddy by looking at the language, food, dance and etc. Something interesting I found while goinng through the cook island language was the Myths and Language. My buddy really liked trying to pronouce the numbers.

Dance class #1

This week for dance we did dance with Miss Rebecca. Dance is a way to express move your body and to be creative. The music she played really helped me dance in different ways and with my friends. Next we did a freeze activity, where she played some music and what ever time she paused it she would call out a shape to make with our body like a star or triangle. Then she would make it harder by getting us to make these shapes with the people around us. We tried coming up with some different ways to create a shape with eachother. Our last activity was mixing into 4 groups and working together to quickly create a letter in the alphabet in 15 seconds. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Life Education


Life Education is a charity that educates and empowers children to make healthy choices so they can live full and healthy lives As you may know the van i well knowen for the giraffe Harold,Harold has been visiting different schools for about 40 years. The van is designed to help schools with their health promotion, drug prevention. It is operated by the Life Education Centre. At the end of the session we wrote a letter to cuppy to make him make good choices.

Science Main Ideas | Reading

LI: to find the most vital ideas from the information to help us answer the question “What is science?

This DLO is identifying the ideas of science we have learnt from the information we have gained. To find the vital information, we negotiated by collaborating and communicating with our team. We shared our opinions and ideas, we took notes and from them we selected and rejected information to get to our final conclusion. 

For us the 3 main vital ideas are:

  1. Science is the discovery of What, Why, and How events happen

  2. The three main branches of science are Physics, Chemistry, and Biology

  3. There are two main categories of science, and they are Basic and Applied Science

Science Summary | Blog Post

LI: to summarise the information.

This DLO is highlighting our summary about what we know about science. In our groups, we have been sharing our ideas on posted notes and found the key words which we then wrote a summary about what science is. To then create a summary about the topic. We needed to skim and scan for key vocabulary to create this DLO. We also had to join our ideas together to create a more efficient idea.

We used our new question dice to help us construct some questions we want to find more about. The three questions we made using the dices were:

  1. When did science start?

  2. How will science progress in the future?

  3. Who was the first scientist?

Making connections with problem solving

LI: To explore problem solving,

Today for inquiry we did Tangrams. Tangrams are ancient Chinese puzzles that were invented in China around the 19th century. We used A4 paper and a pair of scissors to make different shapes. LS1 was invited up to our class in the second block to do this as well. We were given a picture of shapes and was shown different examples of animals we could use such as cats, dogs, horses, fish, birds, and many more. This learning was about problem solving and following instructions. Everyone helped each other with this activity and collaborated.