
Thursday, September 24, 2020



If I was Prime Minister I would Lower the prices of houses and rent because some people can't afford it. I would also create more shelters for the homeless, so they have food, clothing, and somewhere to stay. This week we filled out a google doc to help us figure out which party, we would vote for. I would vote for Labour.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

New Zealand History

This week for Maori Language week Haylee, Victoria, Florence and I created a DLO about the history of New Zealand, some interesting facts, and we chose an example of a Whakatauki to share through a screencastify. In this DLO we have included all about the history of Maori Language Week and where it began. A Whakatauki is the Māori proverb or poetic and metaphorical expressions that reflects on thoughts, advice or values from past generations. We’ve enjoyed working collaboratively on this activity as we were all able to gain a better understanding of the Maori language and the history of their culture.

Exploring Places around New Zealand

This week for Maori Language week, we created multiple DLO's, to teach others different information about Maori. Haylee, Sakina and I worked collaboratively to complete this activity. In our DLO, we included different places in New Zealand, with the meaning and what we found interesting. A place around New Zealand I found the most interesting, was Waitanga, meaning weeping water or noisy. I really enjoyed doing this activity.

Maori Language Week App

 Since this week is Maori Language week, name, name and I created an interactive app where you can learn some basic words in Maori as it is a challenge that was set. In our app we’ve included some time words, greetings, days of the week and months of the year in Maori, we’ve also included a small quiz at the end where you can test your knowledge on Maori. We’ve enjoyed learning some words in Maori and enjoyed creating this app for others to learn the language.

Tuakana Teina

This Wednesday, Rm 2 worked along with LS2 students for Tuakana Teina and created an artwork dedicated towards Maori Language week. Tuakana Tiena at our school is a time when senior students help the juniors through learning. This is good for us as we could contribute to learning in an exciting way with younger students while being leaders, and also appreciating the Maori culture for this week. My partner, Luna worked really well together to come up with some creative design patterns for our panel. The goal was to encourage the younger students to do most of the work and get them out of their comfort zone to be able to try new things with their learning. The art we created was drawn with chalk on black cardstock paper and overlined with twin rope to almost accentuate and bring out the detail of our designs of our string art panels. I really enjoyed helping my partner create her art and of course working collaboratively with Luna.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

It's Cool 2b Me

LI: To strengthen our ability to make positive life choices.

This week for our DARE Program, we made a DLO about us. In this DLO the questions involved things we like doing, our goals, our favorite foods, great things about us, what we wish for and qualities we look in friends, who we would like to be if we could be someone else. This was fun because I thought about a lot of these questions and found out more about what I like.


LI: To understand the meaning behind the acronym MRS C GREN

This week for Science we have been learning about Mrs C Gren. Mrs C Gren is the acronym for "Movement, Respiration, sensitivity, Cells, Growth, reproduction, Excretion and Nutrition". Florence, Chris, Vayan and I have created a google presentation explaining the different acronyms on separate slides. Our google presentation is also interactive so that people can get around the presentation easily.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Vincent van gogh painting

For art, we created the sunflowers of Vincent van Gogh's painting since we have been learning about him. Our first step was to make the horizon line that would help us build our structure of the vase and the line between our background. To make the petals we did a technique called flat hold and flip that creates the effect of a petal. For the center of the flower, we added shading and texture by dabbing out the paintbrush to make the sunflower look, we also added the colour copper for the look of brown. We mixed different paints to get the right colour to make it look realistic.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Vincent Van Gogh Timeline

LI: To create a timeline to show the life of Vincent Van gogh

This week, for literacy and inquiry we worked together to create a timeline of Vincent Van Gogh’s life. We used our smart searching skills to find information about Vincent Van Gogh. Vincent was an Impressionist artist, meaning he liked to paint a moment in time (still life). I worked collaboratively with Haylee, Sakina, and Florence to get this timeline completed. We enjoyed learning about Vincent Van gogh as we were able to learn something new.  Something we all found interesting was that he cut off a part of his ear and sent it to his girlfriend, because he got into an argument with Paul Gauguin, who is one of his friends. This was interesting, because we wouldn’t imagine someone cutting off part of their ear.