
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Persuasive Speech

Hello my name is Taheesha and I'm going to be explaining why all kids should stay in school and why education is important. Would you like it if someone you know or in the future, your child, dropped out of high school or any stage of school really I know I would hate that I would go crazy if he/she would even think about it.

Do you know every year, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States alone That's a student every 26 seconds or 7,000 a day! In NewZealand, 83.5% of students left school just in 2018 at the age of 17 WOW I did not expect that. I think that the main reason I think school is really important is that education gives us knowledge and it helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life.

People debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge. If you were to drop out let's say u were at the shop and u did not go to school or did not pay much attention to it u had 24 dollars in coins and u want something about 15 dollars you would be standing there counting your money while most people around are knowing how much money they have or need. school might be hard or challenging but to some school is fab, fun and informative.

Education gives you knowledge about Science, Technology Art and Mathematics basically any topic your school teaches.The consequences of dropping out of high school are that you will be more likely to not get a job because you will not have a lot of knowledge for a job or career. Remember knowledge is the gateway to the future


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