
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Activity 3: Hidden Figures

 I thought it was a fun game. This game is a great learing way to learn different codes.The levels get harder and harder each time you progress and pass a level. Also you can creat you're own drawrings. It was very fun doing this level.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Activity 2: Overcoming Adversity

One of the biggest challenges my aunty and uncle had to overcome Is Jumping off a plane (They were 13 thousand feet) because they were both nervous and scared but she decided to do it anyway. It was very scary at first for my aunty but then to just glide it was very fun also my uncle was having a great time but was still scary. 

For this activity, we were asked to share or recount a time when we or someone we know has experienced a challenge but overcame it. I decided to talk about something my aunty and uncle did which is crazy they jumped off a plane at 13 thousand feet which is very cool and scary in my opinion

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Activity 1: Through Careful Observation

 For this activity  we looked at two pictures were "Day and Night" by MC Escher, and "The Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh. So I went with the painting I hadn't seen before which is the one above. "The Starry Night" I have seen a few times in photos or an animation. This picture is very well made as well of the creativity of "The Starry Night"picture.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Activity 2: Influencers

For this last week 3 activity for day 1 we were asked to look at three more common rivalries. Also we added a photo to represents the rivalry between the two brands/companies ect. Above is the  3 common rivalities I decided to choose.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Activity 3: Choose your own

To finish off week 3 we got to choose our own someone like any scientist, technologist, or inventor so I decided to do the two men that found google above is a photo is my work and research about these two. I choose these two because I thought it was very interesting  to research someone who was a creater or founder of somthing.