
Friday, February 28, 2020

Tech Reflection | Pewter Casting

This week for tech at Tamaki College, we carried on with our designs for our 4 recipients. We chose one design we wanted to create for a recipient we also had to make sure there were no skinny thin parts. So our group decided to choose a Mickey mouse design that wasn't that hard. When we had chosen our designs Mr. Grundy would print it out, so we could make our design. He also explained the first step of how to carve out our designs so for next week we are ready.

Kupe x Captain Cook Venn Diagram

For this reading task, I worked with my reading group (The Kiwi Group) to create a Venn diagram. The Venn diagram was to explain what similarities and differences between the two navigators Kupe and Captain James Cook had. To fill in the sheet we watched a few videos about what they did and used the information to fill out the Venn diagram.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Treaty of Waiting - Collaborative Summary

Te Tiriti o Waitangi is a very important time in New Zealand history. In 1860, representatives from the British Crown and Maori Chiefs signed a treaty of agreement, to let the Maori have ownership over their land and property. Partnership, Participation, and Protection were the underlining principles under the treaty. They got the treaty to be signed by over 500 Maori chiefs. 

In reading we looked at the Treaty of Waitangi, and explored what really happened in our history/past. In small collaborative groups, we read something that explained the story and summarized our understanding. I worked with Florence, Sakina, Haylee, Miiana, and Ellenora. The highlighted words in our summary above, are the keywords we used from our vocabulary list.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Tech|Tamaki College Reflection

This week Friday the year 8’s started their first session of tech at Tamaki College. This term we are working with pewter in  Mr. Grundy’s class. On our first day we looked at a few examples of some of the things we might be creating, and Mr. Grundy also showed us the process of how it is created. Then we started making up some of our own ideas for the pewter. 

Why is plastic pollution a problem for our coastlines

Why is plastic pollution a problem for our coastlines?

Do you like seeing sea animals caught up in plastic every year? Well that's what will happen if we keep throwing away our plastic in the wrong places. The plastic that we throw on the streets make their way to the drain, then it leads to lakes, rivers, estuaries and the sea. If we don’t put our plastic in the rubbish it can harm many animals as they will think its food. Did you know that over 4.8 and 12.7 million tonnes of plastic enters the ocean each year? That plastic can get tangled around the throats and stomachs of marine mammals and can harm them. The more people fill the ocean with plastic, the less marine animals we’ll have. The generation of sea animals will be gone and the ocean will be filled with plastic rubbish. You can help stop this by collecting all the plastic you see laying around.Plastic makes up 90% of the pollution on the ocean's surface so don't be lazy and drop your plastic. Do you want to be swimming in plastic? Plastic takes over 450 YEARS based on what plastic it is. Did you know that there is 26.8 million tons of plastic in landfill? We need to recycle our plastic or you'll have plastic fish and chips for dinner.

LI: To collaboratively structure and write an explanation

For this activity we looked at plastic pollution witch is a problem happening now. We put some facts and what we know into this explanation our group and I also used stucture knowen as TIIC ect. There are very good facts and what we need to do to stop all this trouble/plastic/pollution.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Kiwi Can Reflection

LI: To include and engage others by being sensitive to their feelings.  This week was our first session of Kiwi Can with Mrs Mac and Ms. Grace. The theme for this term was positive relationships, fairness, and Fairplay. We started with an energizer, called Change Places. For this activity, Ms Grace called out some things that we might like and if we liked it, we would change places with a different person. After we did our energizer, we talked about words related to empathy, which were courtesy, common sense, and consideration.  Some examples to show courtesy with words are having manners, being kind, and being polite. Some other examples to show courtesy without words are hand gestures, facial expressions, and body language. To show common sense, you make wise choices and trust your instincts. Some ways to show consideration is thinking about others and how people may feel. Lastly, we talked about some ways to show empathy which are, being kind, supportive and being considerate. After that, we did an activity, where we acted out the positive or negative ways of showing empathy. In our group our play was about someone crying because she was bullied, so we decided to cheer her up.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Kiwi sport reflection|Cricket

Today for kiwi sport we had cricket it was our first session. Brian from HPPC was our coach. First, we got numbered and split into two teams. Team 1 was playing cricket and the other was playing a game we aimed to hit the wickets and when we did we would put a cine on and the first team with all the cones on the wickets won. In the end, we played a fun game where we had to try and catch the ball and whoever dropped it was out it was a very fun game to play.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Take-aways | Math questions

Today in maths, we worked in our thinking teams to find the answer to maths questions. In the photo you will see my group, "Take-aways", working out the number value of our group name. To do this we used addition strategies and our place value knowledge. In the second activity we worked as a group to put the population numbers in order, from the highest to lowest. To do this we used our place value knowledge.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Activity 3: Concluding the Journey

1. Which activity did you enjoy the most? My favorites are the one's of the last weeks where we get to chose our own because we can get creative.

2. Which activity did you enjoy the least? I like all of them I think all of them are different in their ways.

3. Three things you've learned while completing the program? I have learned a lot during the whole program but I have learned more about people and what they have done also climate change and what's happening around the world.

4. What changes/improvements you would make to the program for next year? Nothing really the program is very easy has simple instructions and I don't think they should change anything.

Activity 2: En Pointe

“Winning doesn’t always mean being first. Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve done before. Is the quote is chose written by Bonnie Blair. I think quotes like these are truly inspirational It is also a quote that helps you reach your goal other than showing off u won you can make a high goal next time and the quote could be a reminder of stepping up and accomplishing your goal.

For this activity, we looked at a  successful ballet dancer Misty Copeland. she started taking lessons at 13 years old she worked very hard to become the first African-American lead dancer of the American Ballet Theater. I want them to be able to see dreams through me." - quoted from Misty in one of her interviews. So we were asked to look into 25 quotes This one I chose was from Bonnie Blair.

Activity 1: The World of Hip Hop

What I think of the Royal family... I think that they are very talented and it would have taken a lot of time and practice to switch to dance and to remember all those different dance moves I watched another video of them dancing their whole performance was amazing. They definitely put a lot of time and effort into their dances.I also liked the clothing style I think with the dark light and the nice bright amazing clothing is very cool and it stands out during the performance. 
The music I have a tied opinion on the music is very cool a nice mash-up and stuff but also there are some songs with things kids should not hear But other than that the songs go good with the dances and I enjoy watching them dance.  What they should improve... Nothing I love their dance, songs, clothing style and everything else I think they are a successful dance group that most people enjoy.

In this activity we looked at Parris Goebel, a very famous New Zealander. Parris always like dancing as a child. At the age of 15 she was very successful. In Auckland she started The Palace Dance Studio also in 2019 Parris and one of her crews, The Royal Family, won the World Hip Hop Dance Championship. Which then we were asked to watch their preformances  and give a review like what we did like/did not like did they do well? and stuff like their costumes, dances, music ect.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Activity 1: Fashion forward

Twenty-Seven Names used to be Love Lies Bleeding but it was copyright from a different company in the US. So they ended up having to change their name. While thinking of a new name they had wroten a list of people who helped and supported their business. Then they had the idea of Twenty-Seven names. 

I Think their brand name is very cool creative and it has a good meaning. It will bring a lot of attention and I don't think they should change it. It's also a good way to thank/acknowledging the 27 people who have supported their business.

For this activity, we looked at a New Zealand fashion label called "Twenty-Seven Names". the people of the business had been friends since primary school who are Rachel Easting and Anjali Burnett. We were asked to share how they got their name and if we like it or not if we don't what would it be changed to?. I like their name and I don't think they should change it.

Activity 3: Feast or Famine

If I was completely honest I would not join because I would have to eat also I could not go 40 hours without food. But I would be willing to give something else up to help others. It's a great way to be supportive too because we make a life-changing difference. 
For this activity.

For this activity we looked at an actor from New Zealand, named Julian Dennison, who is only 17 years old. he has already starred in a number of movies and TV commercials. He recently joined up with World Vision to be a 40 Hour Famine Ambassador. He travelled with World Vision to Uganda to meet some of the refugees from South Sudan who are living there.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Activity 2: Plot Points

For this activity, we were to imagine we had the chance to create/write our movie. What are some important events, and even the title for the movie. My movie is basically a horror type movie but it may not seem but my story is about his mother that leaves him home and he runs away and gets lost then kidnapped so it like a lesson like never leave your kid or something will happen.

Activity 1: Talk Show Host

For this activity we looked at Oprah Winfrey she is very successful she has also started her own school is south Africans she encourages people to follow their passions she also ran her talk show for 25 years! so for this task we were asked to talk about our passion and interest My passion is modeling and my interest/passion is acting above I talk about why.

Activity 3: Girl Power

Someone who is a role model for me is my Aunty. Why? Because she always studied got A's and was focused at school she also stayed in school is something I do want to do. She now is older and has a very successful job in dentistry. She has been in dentistry for more than 5 years it is a very good job to have and she is a role model for me.

For this activity, we were asked to say someone in our family or someone else who is a role model towards up so personally, I chose my aunty because all the amazing things she has done and achieved in life above is my explanation on why.

Activity 2: K-pop heroes

For this activity, we looked at BTS, from South Korea who creates k-pop. They are very popular. We were asked to give a full opinion about the group I don't listen to their group but I have heard their song way too many times my opinion of the above.

Activity 1: Getting Stronger

For this activity, we looked at a Samoan-Indian singer from New Zealand, named Aaradhna. She gained recognition in 2004 when she and Adeaze released a song called "Getting Stronger". It went to number one on the New Zealand Singles chart so for this task we were asked to make a personal list of our top 5 favorite artists, and one of our favorite songs from them. Above I have listed my top favorite singers/rappers in this presentation.

Activity 3: The Diary of Anne Frank

For this activity we looked at In this activity we found out about a girl named Anne Frank. She lived in Germany with her Jewish family in the 1930s when the world war 11 happened. so she and her family were forced to stay in a secret room in her house for 2 whole years and in that time Anne would write in her diary. then her dad came up with the idea to make a book called " Diary of a young girl". So for this activity, we were asked to write about an extraordinary day and what happened above is my story.

Activity 2: Romeo and Juliet

English: This morning was normal I woke up early before my mum and siblings I decided to be extra quiet I checked the time on my laptop then I got ready like the usual and eat my breakfast scrambled eggs to start the day.

Shakespearean english: Shakespearean englisThis morning wast n'rmal i did wake up early bef're mine own mum and siblings i hath decided to beest extra quiet i did check the timeth on mine own laptop then i did get eft liketh the usual and consume mine own breakfast scrambl'd eggs to starteth the day.

For this activity, we looked at a man named William Shakespeare a famous author, poet, and playwright. So we also looked at his Shakespearean English and translated what we did this morning in our everyday language into Shakespearean English.

Activity 3: Choose your own

To finish the week off I decided to do will smith since I have not done a topic about it and he also is a very well known person all the information in the screenshot is above. For this activity to finish the week off we got to choose our own I decided to go with will smith.

Activity 2: Caine’s Arcade

Image result for card game gin rummy

In order to play this game, you must have more than 1 player each player gets 10 cards.
When playing this game there is a wild card which is the card that can be anything it starts from
King, Queen, Jack and then 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 you can put your cards in order and if you are missing a number and you have the wild card which goes down in order as I said before you can but that down as anything and the next person can take the wild card is they have the number you missing then if all your cards are done you say Gin then you win and every round you have to sum up the points and the one with the less numbers all together wins.

Activity 1: Ministry of Inspiration

Aquabots seem fun and exciting but I personally don't think I would be interested in this type of activity but it is very fun for others and it is good for people to try new things.
This week for day 5, activity 1 of week 3 for SLJ we looked at something called Pasifk Aquabots we watched their competition that was in Nelson. In the competition, students would collect different items from underwater using there bots. For this activity, we were asked to watch a video and put our opinion if we would or wouldn't join the competition.

Activity 2: Printing Prosthetics

For thins activity, we looked at a man named Chuck Hull because he invented the first 3D printer in 1983. Now days people are using these printers to do all sorts of different things. Like one important one helping children out. we took a closer look then we watch a video on how 3D printed prosthetic hands are changing kid's lives. Then we were asked to share one thing we learned, and one thing that surprised us my answers are above.

Activity 2: iMoko

For this activity, we looked at iMoko which is a digital program that is for people in communities who don't have doctors available doctors can help with their health in Kaitaia which I think is very nice and helpful. Then We were asked to share some ways that we or the people in our family do to stay healthy. Above I choose a chart of something we do to stay healthy.

Activity 3: Need for Speed

  For this activity, we were asked to create a drawing design of our very own fast vehicle so I choose to do a motorbike. We also were asked to put down some special features about it and what it can do. 
My motorbikes special features are that It is strong fast and would only be used while going somewhere special also when it's dark the black turns into a neon glowing color and it can never get stolen because it will know my fingerprint also identified by me.