
Monday, December 30, 2019

Activity 2: Leading by Example

My random act is kindness is this morning I made my younger siblings all breakfast because it is new years eve so I made them all breakfast which was their favorite scrambled eggs with a glass of milk and tomato sauce. There reaction ways like yay and surprised.

For day 5 activity 2 of SLJ we were asked to talk about a time we showed a random act of kindness just like princess Diana and Mother Teresa  which both showed examples of random acts of kindness towards others.

Activity 3: Wise Words

For day 4 activity 3  we were asked to identify a role model in our life and ask them to share a piece of advice with us. This is the main quote i get from my nan. She always gives very good inspirational sayings just like this one.

Activity 2: Celebrating Diversity

For day 4 activity 2 we got a few choices of indigenous communities witch were Ainu people, Australian Aboriginal People, The Inuit People, Papua People, and the Maya People. I choose the Australian Aboriginal People and The Maya People I put facts that I learned about the two choices that I choose  above is the information I collected while researching these two indigenous communities.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Activity 1: Guiding Principles

For day 4 activity 1 we Choose one that has meaning for you. I choose somthing that always encourages me to do better and what my family says. so this basicly means This whakatauki is about aiming high but it's real message is to be persistent and don't let obstacles stop you from reaching your goal.

Activity 3: Belle of the Ball

For day 3 activity 3 of SLJ, we got to choose a book that we like and write a short review of it. I choose a favorite of mine horrible histories because they are really cool and funny to read above is my explanation of why I choose this book and what I like about it. I fell this book can tell great history differently in fun ways.

Activity 2: The Right to an Education

For Day 3 activity 2 of SLJ, we got to choose anything to write about I did a little horror story because I thought it would be something new. We also read about a woman named Malala Yousafzai. She is a Pakistani activist but she is also a survivor and fighter and is currently 22 years old. Hopefully, u enjoy my story.

Activity 1: The Right to Vote

For this activity, we had to imagine the government was going to create a new 10$ note. We had to find someone who would be the replacement. But I don't think she should be replaced and above in my explanation why.

Activity 3: “I Have a Dream”

For this activity we wrote about Rosa parks and her story.. someone made a rule/law that only white people sit in the front and dark people sit at the back. but them thats how Rosa Parks comes in an decided to sit at the front of the bus to show that colour does not matter.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Activity 1: A Long Walk to Freedom

For activity 1 Day 2, we wrote journal entries imagining we were Nelson Mandela living at The Robben Island prison. Talking about how he might have felt and what his thoughts were. A journal entry is like were u can express what u fell in a book like a diary but a journal. This was quite a challenge because from his part of the view I would not have known what his thoughts were but then I started to understand. was this hard for you?

Activity 2: School Strike for Climate

For activity 2 day 2 of SLJ we looked at the School Strike for Climate protests and learn a bit about what was happening. What they are doing is striking schools to be able to start seeing the changes that they want. They believe in a better world so as striking they want to get attention from governments to do changes. What do u think about this situation?

Monday, December 23, 2019

Activity 3: Dear Jacinda

For this last day 1 Summer Learning Journey activity for week 2, we wrote a letter to Jacinda talking about an important issue/problem in New Zealand. It could be anything so I decided to go with homeless people. Above there is an explanation of what I think towards this.

Activity 2: NAIDOC Youth of the Year

Working out: so if Jessa was born in 1985 and got her award at 2010. We know that  1985 + 25 that would make 2010. Jessa was born on  April and got her award on july that would be 3 months because they are 3 months apart. Also she was born on the 7th and got it on the 9th witch is 2 days apart so the total  will be 25 years, 3 months and 2 day when she got her award.

This week for day 2, activity 3 of week 2 for SLJ, we were to figure out Dr Jessa Rogers age when she got her award. Above there is my final answer and working out.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Activity 3: Own Choice

For the last activity day 5, it was our own choice so with the help of Victoria we decided to write about Roald dahl because I thought he was someone good to know about and how he created great stories/books. I have the main information about him above.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Day 5 | Activity 2: Swimming To Safety

Yursa Mardini was 18 years when she helped save 20 passengers sea-crossing on a boat. Something caused an engine failure in the boat full of people. On her journey to a safe country, the engine broke/failed. Brave Yursa took responsibility to save those people and risked her own life for those other innocent people for 3 and a half hours.

 This week for day 5, activity 2 of week 1 for SLJ, we wrote about Yursa Mardini. we read her story about how she saved/rescued 20 passengers from a boat. Yursa is part of the Refugee Olympics team. There is also about what she did above.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Day 5 | Activity 1: National Treasure

My family treasure

I treasure an old Singlet because it has family history for me. It was an old singlet my nan passed on from my mum to oldest to youngest they are all girls. Then as I came along it was past on to me now we are waiting for it to be passed on to my children

For day 5 activity 1 of SLJ, we picked 3 things that were a treasure to us and why I had only one main thing that was important to me like as I said a singlet because it was passed on.

Day 4 | Activity 3: Worth Her Weight In Gold

For Day 4 activity 3 for SLJ I got to pick a country that is important to me I picked New Zealand because I grew up here and it's important to me so we wrote down what other people could see and do there.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Day 4| Activity 2: Individual Pursuits

I would change my name to Blaire or Makenzie.

because they are popular names and people will know how to say it and also I could get key chains and other things with my name on it because my name is not very common I don't see any name tags with my name unless its a T which is the starting of my name Taheesha.

This week for day 4, activity 2 for week 1 of SLJ, we got to choose a name of our choice that we would want instead of our original name I chose Blaire or Mackenzie because I don't see my name very often.

Day 4| Activity 1: Individual Pursuits

For this activity of  Day 4 activity 1 of SLJ, We listed 3 things we learnt while watching the videos of  Serena and Venus Williams.who are both tennis players. Those are the 3 things I learnt while watching the two videos of Serena and Venus Williams.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Day 3 | Activity 3: Team players

For day 3 | Activity 3 of SLJ, we wrote 6 ways I could support our friends of their dream job. Florence's dream job/career is to become a photographer one way I could help/support Florence is I can motivate her either by giving her objects or people to take photos of and help her get used to photography

Day 3 | Activity 2: Team players

For this activity, we had the choice to pick any basketball player and what 5 questions we would ask them I would pick those because the would be the best superpowers in my opinion.

Day 3 | Activity 1: Team players

This week for day 3, activity 1 of week 1 for SLJ, We got to choose 3 superpowers we have and have an explanation of why we would have those powers. I chose Invisibility, teleportation and telekinesis because I thought it would be a good choice of superpowers to pick.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Day 2 | Activity 3: Miracle on the Hudson

This week for day 2, activity 3 of week 1 for SLJ, Someone who was brave: My friend Victoria did something brave at camp. She did High beam, climbing on a wood plank high in the air. She  thought is was brave because she was scared of heights.

For this Activity we got to choose someone or our self to write what the they did brave. Before this we read about Mr  Chesley Sullenberger or Sully. She was a pilot captain who saved 155 people from a plane crash.

Day 2 | Activity 2: One Small Step For Man

This week for day 2, activity 2 of week 1 for SLJ, We created a poem about what it might fell like to be Neil Armstrong walking on the moon and what is might have been lke.

Day 2 | Activity 1:Flying Solo

This week for day 2, activity 1 of week 1 for SLJ, we created a Venn diagram between Jean Batten and Amelia Earhart. Both of then were both solo pilots and wanted to travel. SO for this task i took what i know and wrote down the what they had in common and different.

Day 1 | Activity 2: Discovering Aotearoa

This week for day 1, activity 2 of SLJ, we created a DLO about our cultural background. Before we made our DLO, we learnt about Kupe and Abel Tasman. After we watched and learnt about Kupe and Abel Tasman, we created the DLO about our background. My cultural background is Germany. At the end I put 4 interesting facts about my cultural backround,

Day 1 | Activity 3:Scaling New Heights

What is the SPCA:  which is a society/charity for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Thay saves all types of animals and helps them find a new home. The SPCA Help more than 40,000 animals who were abandoned /given up, sick or hurt.

This week for day 1, activity 3 for week 1 of SLJ, on our blog we chose any charity and wrote about what it does to help the environment and what they do. There were 4 different choices but I decided t do the SPCA because it is a charity that helps animals and saves then from bad times.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Activity 3: Choose your own

This week for day 5, activity 3, for teaser week of SLJ, we created a DLO about an inventor, technologist or a scientist. Sakina and I decided to create a DLO about Keith Alexander. Keith Alexander is a mechanical engineer and invented the spring free trampolines. In our DLO, we included the name of the person, a description of the work he did and an explanation of how his work has an impact on others. This was our last week of the teaser week for SLJ. Next week we will start the SLJ activities worth of points. 

Activity 2: Impossible Burgers

This week for day 5 activity 2 for the teaser week Sakina and I  made a DLO about The original impossible burger and the new imposable burger. We put facts about the calories and fat differences between the new and original imposable burger.Pat brown was the founder of these impossible burgers. The impossible burgers are vegetarian burgers that are plant based which taste, feel and look like meat.

Activity 1: The Social Network

This week for day 5, activity 1 of teaser week for SLJ, we created a DLO based on 5 cyber smart rule while on social media. Sakina and I worked together to create this DLO. One of the important rules of being cybersmart on social media is to not share any personal information or photos to strangers. These rules are very important while on social media, which is why we should be cyber smart. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Activity 3: The Columbian Exchange

My positive impact on someone who is my auntie. My auntie Chrystal is most understanding and helps with math and different subjects. She has been there to support me an help when needed. I hope to be like her confident hand help others and be there for family. She has also encourage me to do things and say i should always follow my dreams. she is there to motivate me and someone to talk to.

This week for day 3, activity 3 of SLJ teaser week, we wrote why we have a positive impact on someone in our life. My positive impact is my auntie. A reason why she is a positive impact on me is because she is always there to support me and encourage me.

Activity 2: When the Rubber Hits the Road

This week for day 3, activity 2 for teaser week of SLJ, we interviewed three of out  friends about what they are proud of or there family achievement. I decided to do Nidhi, Sakina and Miiana and they put down one of their proudest achievement. My proudest acheivement was when I had tho confifdence to present my speech in front of 2 judjes and other students

The water project

This week for Activity 3 activity 1 for the teaser week of SLJ we made a DLO about the water project. before we made this DLO we watched a video clip of how it was like insubterranean Africa. And how they lived the best part was when i saw then drink that healthy water from the underground tap. we put there goal were the water works and what the water project has achieved. I found interesting was that 300 million people didn't have clean water. The Water Project is a company who supplies water to countries/communities who don't have access to water

Activity 3: The Greatest of All Time

For this activity 3 day 2 we did pros and cons towards us being a GOAT with  is a professional chess player these are my thoughts of cons and pros around this topic.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Activity 2:Equal Pay for Equal Work?

This week for day 2, activity 2 for teaser week of SLJ, we looked  gender pay gap with the silver ferns. I don't think its fair to pay the men more when it should be an equal amount to the girls team rather than only one one team i think they should be paid of a fair amount of money also its not fair to pay women less. And women and men are both equal so they should get paid the same amount of money to be fair.

Activity 1:Faster than a speeding bullet

For activity 1 day 2 we did similarities on Shelly-Ann Fraser witch is a famous athlete/runner. I did four that i thought relate to her well and for the quality's she has. She has the record of 100m sprints also she won the Jamacian championship when she was only the age of 16.

Activity 3: Big Friendly Giants

This week for day 1, activity 3 for the teaser week of SLJ. We had a challenge to make a BFG. We made a small description of him and his personality. Before we listened to David Williams reading a page of the BFG. So we created a BFG character.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Activity 2: Exploring our Roots

This week for the second activity for day 1 of the teaser week of SLJ, we created a pepeha which mine shows how Taika Waititi wrote it to introduce himself to other people.Mine shows differents photos and information about me. we all used pepeha to create our DLO of our self. To make it more simple i put photos next to my words.

Activity one New Zealand

This week is the Manaiakalani SLJ Teaser week. This poster included different facts about Lorde. Today Sakina and Tuku and I were making a profile poster about the NZ singer Lorde. This was our first day/activity of the summer learning journey. I was surprised to hear the Taylor swift is very close to Lorde like a best Friend and that she was only 13 when she made her 1st record.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Leader script

Kia Ora, My name is Taheesha. This is why I should become the Manaiakalani   Leader of 2020. A school leader shows confidence, attitude, respect, excellence and innovation. I know I would be able to take on that ownership and represent our school. If I became a Manaiakalani leader I would have the proper skills and what it takes to be a leader . While being a leader I can take part in social digital activities. I would inspire and motivate people when working and learning online, and I would love to be a school leader for the simple fact that I know I have the privilege of being an amazing leader. This is why I think I should have the responsibility of being a Manaiakalani leader in 2020. I can show great teamwork and leadership during tasks and collaborative activities. Thank you for listening and this is why I should become a Manaiakalani leader. 

That is my speech of why I should become a Manaiakalani leader. I hope I do achieve my goal and be confidant and hope I do become a leader. If I do have the great opportunity to be a leader so I can show how I can represent the school and become someone who people look up to. I also heard different speeches I thought they had very great detail and hope they get the chance to be a amazing leader.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Pick a path

For this Miiana and I were partners for making our pick a path stories. This was some of our planning to what we might want to do. We also made it colour coded to know what order our script would go in.we decided to make the story about the three little pigs because we thought it would be an easier Fairytale or story to make a pick a path out of.

Film festival DLO

Today me ans Sweete were doing a DLO on what we did and what she enjoyed at the Manaiakalani Film festival. We made a short sentence about whant she really liked. She picked the colours and photo of when were on the bus this was a very fun trip and hope to do this again.